Freitag, 6. Februar 2009

RE again

I took an old sketch that I drew for another RE-doujinshi and made a speed-painting on it. There was no way to get a good face on Chris even if I tried several times. It was not getting better, so I gave up for this time! ._.
I think the gun was the most work because I used the "line-tool"(?). The result is better than with brush so I think I will practise working with it when drawing guns.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Nice! :)
    Die Gesichter (besonders Chris') wirken wirklich ein wenig statisch.

    Wie wirst du Chris nach Resident Evil 5 (nur noch wenige Wochen)zeichnen? XD

  2. yay step by step bildchen! luv <3
    finds immer wieder geil zu sehen wie leute arbeiten...thumbs up <3

  3. @Marco: Ich bleib bei der Remake Version, die gefällt mir am besten! (;

    @Iru: Find ich auch! *_*
